Apparently 2012 is going to by just as quickly as 2011. Le sigh. I have quite a bit of items to discuss on this post, mainly because I was bored at work this morning and kept emailing myself things I wanted to talk about. First, a cute picture of Harper in pig tails and chucks. She looks so big. Ignore the pacifier.
Have you read The Hunger Games yet? If not, you should. And not because the movie is coming out next month, but because it's a wonderful series. So, go read it. Now. Drop what you're doing, and go read it.
The Bloggess. This gal is so so funny, she literally makes my day. I love to go through her past posts, and just laugh. Partly because she's pretty funny, and partly because I can see myself hanging out with her and having similar conversations with my husband and friends. I mean, if you enjoy a story about a bear sleeping bag saving your life or wearing a wolf coat to Twilight, or an awesome haunted dollhouse with a stucffed duck vampire killer, then she's for you. I could spend hours on her website. During our snowstorm this past weekend, I did.
So, the snowstorm. I really didn't think winter was ever going to arrive in Nebraska, what with our 60 and 70 degree days, but lo and behold, our blizzard arrived late Friday night...and didn't stop until sometime Saturday evening. I think we got close to 14 inches (TWSS) and it was very pretty, albeit heavy, snow. Branches were down over most of town, and as a result, power was as well. We lost power for about an hour, despite our underground wires, go figure. However, last weekend we were without a furnace due to a circuit board issue, so an hour without heat, during the day, was nothing. We had a nice lazy weekend, full of naps, Cookie Monster dvds, a few toddler meltdowns, and a game of Scrabble (not words with friends, but the actual game). (Sidenote, I am obsessed with Words with Friends, and love to play against Erich so we can sit the same room and not have to communicate.) It's not that weird. Here are some pictures of Harper playing in the snow. She discovered it was delicious.

OK, this should be sufficient, as I have to go finish my lunch, aka, pin more stuff. Have a good week!
So, this is probably going to be a hodge podge of thoughts, so here goes. I finished my first book of 2012, and it was very good. I remembered as I began reading it why I had stopped in the first place; my cousin Jay and I were reading it at the same time, and he passed away before I had a chance to finish it. I think I subconsciously put it away, and it wasn't until I was almost done with the book that I made that realization. Very deep. Anyway, it made finishing it a little bittersweet. (Silent cry). Anyway, on to the next book, which is also the last one of the Wicked series: Out of Oz, byt Gregory Maguire. Very excited for this one, and hopefully that extra day this month will help me out.
Jay and I. Nerds.
The Bloggess. This gal is so so funny, she literally makes my day. I love to go through her past posts, and just laugh. Partly because she's pretty funny, and partly because I can see myself hanging out with her and having similar conversations with my husband and friends. I mean, if you enjoy a story about a bear sleeping bag saving your life or wearing a wolf coat to Twilight, or an awesome haunted dollhouse with a stucffed duck vampire killer, then she's for you. I could spend hours on her website. During our snowstorm this past weekend, I did.
So, the snowstorm. I really didn't think winter was ever going to arrive in Nebraska, what with our 60 and 70 degree days, but lo and behold, our blizzard arrived late Friday night...and didn't stop until sometime Saturday evening. I think we got close to 14 inches (TWSS) and it was very pretty, albeit heavy, snow. Branches were down over most of town, and as a result, power was as well. We lost power for about an hour, despite our underground wires, go figure. However, last weekend we were without a furnace due to a circuit board issue, so an hour without heat, during the day, was nothing. We had a nice lazy weekend, full of naps, Cookie Monster dvds, a few toddler meltdowns, and a game of Scrabble (not words with friends, but the actual game). (Sidenote, I am obsessed with Words with Friends, and love to play against Erich so we can sit the same room and not have to communicate.) It's not that weird. Here are some pictures of Harper playing in the snow. She discovered it was delicious.
Abbey is a rebel, and refused to stay confined to Erich's paths.
Speaking of Harper, she will be 20 months old on the 9th. How crazy is that? In just four short months, she'll be 2! I had a conversation with a friend about how fast time goes, except for that first 6 week period. That was the longest (and most painful) 6 weeks of my life. But I loved it. And will do it again, in the next 12-24 months lol. We have too many weddings this year and next to be prego yet! Priorities people. And, I'd love for Harper to be potty trained before Baby #2.
Harper loves cupcakes.
I love If you haven't taken the time to check it out, you should. It will totally kill all productivity you may have once had, but it's a good way to spend it. I get lots of cute ideas, yummy recipes, and funny quotes. Like these little gems:

Watch Harper eat a cupcake. It's cute.