We went to Disneyworld at the beginning of the year and had so much fun! One of the best decisions we ever made, especially with Harper. She was a great age to really soak everything in and be in awe of the parks. Except Harry Potter World, which we decided was really more of an Erich/Susie/Couples trip. Any takers? I could try and detail out the trip, but I think the pictures do a much better job.
So, welcome to 2013! January was full of busy-ness in the Kant home, what with potty training in full effect, work being super busy and, well, I'm just really tired. Plus we moved out office into the basement and let's face it, out of sight, out of mind. And despite the ipad and iphone within arm's reach, I can't figure out how to post from the damned things, so there you have it. Like I said, January went by in a blur, but luckily the groundog (and more importantly, my mom, whose birthday is also today) didn't see their shadows, so yay! 6 weeks until Spring. Harper has begun potty training (well, has been in panties full time since late December) and is doing great with the potty piece of it. The pooping? Not so much, and what sucks is that she really couldn't care less when she drops one in her panties...this mom, however, could do without shaking poop out of panties multiple times a week. Our only saving grace is that she goes to the same place ...