Aw man! Did you know that my last post was my 100th post?! I was going to do something special, but alas...I guess posting about Xmas with the fam is special, right? OK, now let's aim for the 201st post I guess.
Book update while I'm thinking of it; am 2/3 of the way done with A Lion Among Men. Kind of slow going, but my plans of completing the book this weekend were thwarted with Erich's, "I don't have the flu" flu. Whatever, if you're in the bathroom more than not, it's not normal.
Harper has discovered so many new words and phrases lately, you can really tell she's picking things up from the new room she's in at daycare. Here are some of her favorites: No, Mama, Daddy, Abbey, Go Away, Please, Bubbles, milk, Elmo, Olivia, BYE!, Hi!, Grandma, Pa-pa and numerous other jibber jabber things we've yet to identify. She loves Elmo right now, and not just Sesame Street, but Elmo. I did get her to settle for Cookie Monster, and she does the most adorable impersonation of him, it's fabulous.

Book update while I'm thinking of it; am 2/3 of the way done with A Lion Among Men. Kind of slow going, but my plans of completing the book this weekend were thwarted with Erich's, "I don't have the flu" flu. Whatever, if you're in the bathroom more than not, it's not normal.
Harper has discovered so many new words and phrases lately, you can really tell she's picking things up from the new room she's in at daycare. Here are some of her favorites: No, Mama, Daddy, Abbey, Go Away, Please, Bubbles, milk, Elmo, Olivia, BYE!, Hi!, Grandma, Pa-pa and numerous other jibber jabber things we've yet to identify. She loves Elmo right now, and not just Sesame Street, but Elmo. I did get her to settle for Cookie Monster, and she does the most adorable impersonation of him, it's fabulous.
Sorry it's sideways, not sure how to fix that.
Things have been pretty low key, but as always we're starting to get busy with plans. The month is full of birthday celebrations, a couples shower in York, a playdate in Omaha, and a girl's night. Very excited! And hopefully February and most of March can go quick to get us to March 23rd for the Hunger Games movie release!!! So stinking excited. If you haven't read them, trust, you need to. If you have a nook, I can loan them to you. It's very easy.
Here are a few pics from my phone. The first few are from this past weekend; Harper was dressed very interestingly. Enjoy and have a good week!
I like to party
Wearing one of my shoes, and one of Erich's

Group teeth brushing
On our way to KC
Ready for church!