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I can't believe Harper is only 11 weeks old; it feels like she should be so much older!  Especially since she's starting to move and "talk" more.  She reaches for toys and can activate their sounds, she jib jabs when she's in good moods, she smiles when we smile, laughs when we laugh, and can mimic sticking her tongue, which is my personal fave.  I just love this happy littlle person she's becoming!

Still keeping busy at work, and am loving my second job at the cupcake shop.  Slowly learning new things, otherwise having a good time chatting with Amanda and helping customers...and purposely giving them wrong information, ha ha Braggs! 

I have never been a coffee drinker, I just don't like the taste...since going back to work I have found that my morning breakfast tea just doesn't do the trick, and am dragging around half asleep all day.  So someone suggested a Starbucks frappuccino, since it's not overly "coffee" tasting.  And now I'm hooked, it's like chocolate milk with a little bit of crack. And it's only 100 calories, so it's not ruining the diet I'm trying to stick to.  Also slowly trying to wean the Kants off of processed chicken patties and nuggets, and into veggie patties and nuggets.  So far I've been the guinea pig, and I gotta say, they aren't half bad.  Stick it on a bun with some pickles, and you can't tell the difference.  The texture looks about the same, since both are processed from other things. Erich will be the true test I guess, since he loves him some chicken patties.  Next step will be moving from french fries to sweet potato fries...Although, they're all fried, so I guess it shouldn't make a difference. 

For Christmas last year we received a home renovation "gift card" from my inlaws, and we've been slow in using it.  The sad thing is, we know we want to get a new sink with it, it's just the pregnancy and addition to our family has made it difficult to go look.  We went this weekend to some showrooms, and damn.  Sinks are pricey, especially when they are trying to sell you new countertops and drawer handles and cabinets...yikes.  I think we'll stick with Lowes for now, where they don't bug you to buy 2 grand worth of stuff.  Although, new countertops would be sweet, I hate ours.  I want granite baby! One thing at a time I guess.  We also need to work on baby proofing our upper level--we have a straight banister that  overlooks the living room, and the spindles are pretty far apart.  Our first idea was to just cover it up with plexiglass, but then on second thought, do I really want to be cleaning dog noses and kid noses and dirty hand prints for the next 5 years?  Probably not.  So, we're on the hunt for new spindles, which we will need to finish and stain and hopefully somewhat match the wood in our house.  Not really looking forward to that project!

Harper is doing really well at daycare, they think she's great and I hope the feeling is mutual.  They especially love her outfits, so I guess that's a compliament for me.  I love dressing her, she's like my little Barbie doll!   And she has more than enough clothing to never wear the same outfit twice for a while.  I did get her a cute winter suit, and some jeans at the consignment shop.  I love that store--Once Upon A Child--but they need to get real with some of their prices.  Just because it came from the Gap or Gymboree does not mean you can charge $13 for a used outfit, I don't care how adorable the dachshund on it is.
I also witnessed the worst reaction to a tantrum in public.  Two year old didn't want to try on some pants, but the mom kept pushing it.  Then he went crazy with screams and cries; the mother held him close and just kept telling him she loved him and he needed to get it out.  Seriously? Does he need to get it out in the middle of the aisle?  How about your car?  Or better yet, at home?!  Erich says I shouldn't judge, but I've dealt with tantrums with nieces and nephews and daycare kids, and not taking action only tells them they're going to get hugs if they do it.  If Harper ever did that, I'd leave the store and take her home.  I feel like when they're that age, getting to go to the store is a reward, and if you're going to throw a tantrum, you don't get that reward anymore. Ah, can't wait for that!!

My Sister and Nephew at the Zombie Walk
Sleepy Cole and Sleepy Harper
What Abbey does after I get up!
Cute big girl outfit!

Smiles for Dad!

My daddy dressed me!

Ethan finally got to feed her and found it very overrated!

Cupcakes make her smile!


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