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It just doesn't end...

A few weeks ago I had what I thought was the worst case of food poisoning of my life. I was literally on the floor writhing in pain, and scaring the crap out of Erich at the same time. I had pain in my abdomnen, upper back, and eventually my chest, and it lasted all night. By morning I was fine (and greatful that Erich stepped up with Harper that night). So, this happened on and off in the evenings over the next week. My nursey cousin said it sounded like my gall bladder, which apparently can be out of whack after pregnancy. So, I had an ultrasound done and lo and behold, I have gallstones. So, surgery is in the works; it's a very simply procedure done with a Laser! Exciting stuff.

My maternity leave (6 weeks) is officially over as of today; technically I should go back to work tomorrow, but decided to take some vacation time to be out 8 weeks with Harper; this whole gall bladder thing may help me out with that, in that I might get some short term disability time...we'll see if the rep ever calls me back :)

This heat is really killing all my plans to do walks with Harper and Abbey while I'm hope; thus far the most walking we've done has been from the kitchen to the bedroom, and repeat :) We did take her to the Farmer's Market and the mall, but I'm thinking the zoo and neighborhood walks, and it's just not happening. Stupid summer heat!

Harper is changing every day. She has starting making noises--more than just cries--and it's so interesting to hear them, and see her facial expressions that accompany them. She is also enjoying her crib more and more, so we'll be out of the basinet in no time.

Abbey is regressing; she was doing so well not licking Harper or chewing on her stuff...right now it's Abbey 2, Pacifiers 0...not happy about that. She has also found that she can pull the blanket off Harper when she's in the swing or bouncer and steal the pacifier that way. She's a sneaky dog! Something else for me to work on over the next couple weeks.

Did you know that Lifetime plays three hours of Greys Anatomy during the afternoon? Yup, guess what we do from 12-3? It's sad, I thought I didn't like that show anymore, and they go and lure me back, bastards!

Erich's mom has graciously offered to babysit for us today, so this afternoon I got some errands ran, and tonight is date night. The crappy side is that I can't really eat much without enraging the gallbladder, so that's a small issue. It's nice to get out just the two of us, I'll admit I've missed our "us" time. Harper is awesome and I don't know what I would do without her, but I can't help but reminisce about our childfree life :) What it was like to leave the house without packing a bag, making a bottle, changing a diaper, etc... It's worth it!

Harper in a dress that was mine as a baby

Tired baby!

We're pretty cute!

Harper in the Kant family baptismal gown--it just fit!


Well, Crap!!

Hope you get to feeling better, and that I can meet Harper sometime soon. I need to make a trip to Lincoln anyway, so if/when I do, I will contact you and maybe you will let me hold your darling baby ;-)


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