There's really nothing like a slow day at work on a Friday...especially when your workfriend leaves at 12:45. Now I just look forward to 4 for my walk around our track, and then 5 when I get to leave. We have big plans for tonight, going to dinner at Panera, then on to Best Buy to check out TVs, which we totally need right away. I also want to look for an MP3 player, as I may very well be the last person on earth to own one. I take that back, I had one and Erich stole it because his broke. I've been promised one for Christmas, so I want to start window shopping.
We got the final word from the FHA, and the house is a done deal (short of a few signatures and our souls being sold to the bank). It's very exciting to buy a house, especially one that needs so little work. We're very excited to get in there and make it our own. Erich even bought one of those dumb infuser things--it does have a cool container I may reuse though. We've scoped out the local (and not so local) furniture stores and have a good idea of what we want. We've even mapped out the rooms, and I'm pretty sure Erich has some secret spreadsheet somewhere with more information than we need!
Erich talked to his mom last night and she implied that they would be joining us for Thanksgiving (as I will be hosting my immediate family for dinner). It will be interesting to say the least; my brother in law already went one football game without using the f bomb, I'm not sure he has the self restraint for another. Then again, a little f bomb never hurt anyone.

My 6 year old nephew called me yesterday morning to ask if I had my baby yet. He is convinced that when you get married, you are automatically pregnant. I have tried explaining the gists to him, to no avail. So, now I just change the subject, and he keeps calling. It's not like a joke to him either, he honestly thinks one of these days there will be a new baby. This is a photo from the wedding; he loved the limo ride--he got two Mt Dews!