A few years ago I blogged quite a bit, and then it tapered off. Maybe it was because I was in a new relationship, and then that turned into the time consuming planning of a wedding. Now it seems I have more time on my hands, so I might as well start up again.

Erich and I were married almost 2 months ago. The big question everyone asks? How does it feel to be married? My answer is always, The Same! We have been living together for more than a year, and unofficially for about a year before that. We know how to live with each other, so the only adjustment issues we're having is finding room for the 20 decorative bowls we received as wedding gifts. Luckily, we're storing majority of the gifts in York until we get a house.
Onto that topic. We sta
rted house hunting about a month ago; we knew that that was our next step. We have a dog-Abbey, and want to start getting our stuff organized, and it's hard to do that in an apartment. Plus, Abbey has a bad habit of getting up early to pee, so it would be nice to just let her out into the backyard, instead of one of us having to get dressed, find her collar and leash and poop bag, and then try to get back to sleep for the last 20 minutes before an alarm is going to go off. If anything, she's preparing us for parenting :)
Onto that topic. We sta

So, back to the house; we found one we both knew was "The One". We have looked at it, and decided to make an offer the following evening--on my birthday :) Unfortunately, someone else made an offer, so we had to act quickly. We ended up bidding more than we wanted to, but won out. So, assuming everything goes according to plan, we'll be moving in sometime in November! Woot. We're both very excited, and can't wait to get out of this apartment.
So, I'm hoping this blog will be a good tool to communicate with our friends we don't get to see nearly as often as we hope. Oh, and we have no plans to get pregnant any time soon :) We've both agreed we want to wait at least a year, but if something were to happen, we're ready for a little one...