How in the world is it already October? Seriously, this Summer flew by and I have no other excuses for no blogs other than we were out doing stuff and having fun and I was too lazy to go to the basement and get on the 'puter. So tonight I spent over an hour uploading and organizing photos...I'm tired.
This Summer Harper turned 4, started dance class, swim lessons and preschool. She is becoming her own little person, sassy and sweet. She loves her princesses, but also "Inja" Turtles (her favorite is the purple one). Her drawings are so adorable, and she really loves to do arts and crafts (can't wait to take her to Michaels lol). She has a love hate relationship with her Daddy, but man does she love Booker, or as she calls him, her baby. She plays with him and love to make him laugh (and boy can she get him going with those deep belly laughs!). I am so excited to watch them grow up together and develop that friendship.
We also had to get Harper's tonsils and adenoids out the week after her birthday. She did great, and was sick of ice cream by the first day. She wanted to go out and play and get to school. Then the pain hit and it was a long week. Seems to be working though, no ear infections since then, and only one cold! I'll take it.
Booker is growing like a weed! At his last appointment (6 months!) he weighed in at 18.6 lbs and 26 inches. He's our big boy! He loves to smile and laugh, and loves to eat food! So far we haven't found a thing he doesn't like, although we suspect an allergy, just not sure to what yet. He is crawling and pulling himself up on everything, and we think he'll walk before Christmas. Eeeeks! I am not ready for this. Baby proofing here we come. Oh, and sleep. He loves his sleep. I adore that!
Erich and I celebrated our anniversary with a mini trip to Sioux Falls to visit friends and attend a Jazz Festival. It was a nice, relaxing, kid-free weekend, and I can't wait to make an annual trip out of it.
Work has been crazy for both of us. Erich has a new position at work, and I have been officially retained, so no layoff for me at this point, so that's one less thing to worry about...for now :)
My sister and her family moved back shortly after Booker was born, and I don't think I realized how much I missed them. It has been so great getting to do things with them, and am excited to carve pumpkins with them this year...and the teenage babysitter is a nice perk :)
It feels like we did more, but that about sums up our Summer! I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking...until 2015 lol!
This Summer Harper turned 4, started dance class, swim lessons and preschool. She is becoming her own little person, sassy and sweet. She loves her princesses, but also "Inja" Turtles (her favorite is the purple one). Her drawings are so adorable, and she really loves to do arts and crafts (can't wait to take her to Michaels lol). She has a love hate relationship with her Daddy, but man does she love Booker, or as she calls him, her baby. She plays with him and love to make him laugh (and boy can she get him going with those deep belly laughs!). I am so excited to watch them grow up together and develop that friendship.
We also had to get Harper's tonsils and adenoids out the week after her birthday. She did great, and was sick of ice cream by the first day. She wanted to go out and play and get to school. Then the pain hit and it was a long week. Seems to be working though, no ear infections since then, and only one cold! I'll take it.
Booker is growing like a weed! At his last appointment (6 months!) he weighed in at 18.6 lbs and 26 inches. He's our big boy! He loves to smile and laugh, and loves to eat food! So far we haven't found a thing he doesn't like, although we suspect an allergy, just not sure to what yet. He is crawling and pulling himself up on everything, and we think he'll walk before Christmas. Eeeeks! I am not ready for this. Baby proofing here we come. Oh, and sleep. He loves his sleep. I adore that!
Erich and I celebrated our anniversary with a mini trip to Sioux Falls to visit friends and attend a Jazz Festival. It was a nice, relaxing, kid-free weekend, and I can't wait to make an annual trip out of it.
Work has been crazy for both of us. Erich has a new position at work, and I have been officially retained, so no layoff for me at this point, so that's one less thing to worry about...for now :)
My sister and her family moved back shortly after Booker was born, and I don't think I realized how much I missed them. It has been so great getting to do things with them, and am excited to carve pumpkins with them this year...and the teenage babysitter is a nice perk :)
It feels like we did more, but that about sums up our Summer! I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking...until 2015 lol!