As I write up this post, I am looking out the window to see three squirrels enjoying the seed that the nasty black birds were nice enough to throw from the feeder to the ground...while it snows. Freaking snow in April? I know it's not unheard of, but come on Mother Nature. We all need a little Spring before the muggy summer kicks in...
We've been busy here at the Kant house. Harper moved into her new room complete with a new big girl bed and wall decorations and everything. She has done really well with the move, and I must say, her sleep habits are way better than before. She still fights bedtime, but she stays in bed, usually asleep, until we come in there. This past weekend she told Erich she didn't know the sun was out, at that was around 9. Woo hoo for sleeping in! It's also nice to have a twin sized bed for times when she wants us to lay with her...way more comfy than a sleeping bag next to her crib mattress. She also has a nice little reading nook (thanks pinterest) that she loves to hide in, and also sit and look at books.
The new bed! |
Bedspread from Grandma Cindy |
Reading in her nook
Potty training is still quite the battle. Somedays we do find, and others it's just a non stop fight. We do bribe with Peeps from time to time; the sticker chart no longer works. Last weekend we started taking things away, like tv time or a trip to the zoo on Sunday. That got her attention, but then we had a kiddo who was sad and still peeing in her pants, which is no fun. I know everyone says that eventually she'll catch on and "get it" but honestly, I think she does get it but doesn't want to do it. We ask her why she does it, she says I dunno. We ask what she should have done and she tells us, Told you or daddy I HAVE TO GO POTTY!. The kid knows what's what...she's just super stubborn like her parents. I'm just glad we only have one kiddo right now, my patience would be rather thin with two I think...
Easter was a fun time, even though my sister and her family couldn't make it. We dyed easter eggs with my mom, and then enjoyed an easter egg hunt with the Kant cousins, and again in our yard a few days later...She had a blast and found a new love of Peeps! Thank goodness the Easter Bunny loaded up on those. We had such a beautiful Easter day, it was great to be out on the farm enjoying it.
My first (and last) attempt at tattoos on eggs. This one worked great, all the rest were awful! |
Patiently waiting... |
Another somewhat successful tattoo egg... |
My sister and I have this thing where we always take a picture putting eggs up our noses, and we've passed that on to our kids. We're weird, get over it. Harper was like, why are we doing this? |
Peeps first thing Easter morning! |
Before church |
Flying a kite with Daddy |
The kiddos with Great Grandma Leona pre hunt! (missing Anna) |
Searching for eggs |
Showing Grandma and Papa her haul |
Trying to help Papa with his kite |
Work has been nuts for both Erich and I, and so we are planning a trip to celebrate our 5 year anniversary in July. Still not sure the details, other than we both agree that no access to email at work is a requirement (and maybe some wine and a hammock). Top of my list in San Francisco, as I hear it's cooler in summer, however that is what Erich said about Denver on our honeymoon,and we ended up in a room with no air conditioning during their hottest summer in years. Well played Denver, well played...I think Erich is hoping for Vegas...
I have a few more random pictures from the past couple months. Hopefully I post before the next two months pass, but no promises folks...
Visiting her friend Emily |
Hugs with Auntie Katie |
Enjoying her first snowcone at the circus |
She kept calling this a lightsaber. |
Favorite pasttime: keep away from Abbey |
Snow Angels |
First trip to Amigos! She loves mexi fries and ranch... |
With her BFF Izzie at the zoo |
Little monkeys! |
At her friend Patrick's school carnival aka dinner date |