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March 1st

It's already March and that blows my mind. Where did the first two months of 2012 go??  We spent most of February sick. After the flu (which I ended up with) then Erich and Harper both had colds. Coughing, sneezing, runny noses...I somehow stayed healthy until last week, when they took me down! I finally decided to take Harper to the dr for her cough, and found that her left ear has lost it tube, and was infected :( She seems to think that if we give it some time, as she grows the ear canal will begin to drain on it's own, but we'll see how many more infections we go through before that happens.  On the plus side, we learned that oral antibiotics are way cheaper than ear drops. Particularly important when your new insurance plan is HSA only, no copays, and prescriptions are full price. Just saying. 

So, now we all see to be healthy as we enter March.  And luckily, we really don't have much planned, but I'm sure that will change. Erich is travelling to Knoxville TN next week for work, so Harper and I will be having some one on one time. I am working a flex schedule to accomodate morning and evening routines, so hopefully that will be helpful.  I don't forsee any problems, as she is currently a big time Mama's girl, and very rarely lets Erich help her do stuff anyway. But, it's nice to have that second parent to give you break, whether she likes it or not. I think we'll both miss him; luckily it's only 3 days! 

Harper's vocabulary is constantly expanding, I am always surprised by what comes out of her mouth. My favorite thing here lately is when you are playing and she stops, then puts her hand out to you as if to say stop. Then she rambles off something, which we think is basically, I am going to go do something else, but you need to stay here. Stay! Too cute. She also is big about putting her hands out and saying, Where'd ____go?  We created a list of all the words she can say, and it was pretty impressive. We've been working on identifying animals, as she usually calls them by the noise they make, except for dogs and cats, which are all "Abbey". 

Harper has always had issues with her crib, and has never enjoyed going to bed. In January we finally decided that she was old enough to fall asleep in her room, so we began out night time ritual. Around 7:30 we either do a bath or get changed into pjs, then move on to her room for reading books. I love to read to her, so I'll admit, she suckers me into at least 10 books, sometimes more. Note: when the book takes me 2 minutes to read, I think this is more than acceptable. Then she was put into her bed where she cried herself to sleep--usually not more than 5-10 minutes. This was nightly unless she fell asleep while we were reading to her. So, about a week ago we decided to try just putting her mattress on the floor; it worked like a charm. She lays on it, goes to sleep, and by some grace of god stays asleep all night. And when she wakes up, she stays in her room, usually on her bed, until one of us goes in there to get her. So, now the heat is on to find a toddler bed, since we don't have a convertable crib. Note to potential parents out there: get a convertible crib, it's a good idea in the long run.  I'm on a hunt for some at local consignment shops today, and then will probably wait until at least next month for the spring take 2 sale is in town. Good times.

Erich and I went to a local dog expo last weekend in hopes of talking to someone about Abbey's behavioral issues (mainly her barking and chewing of toys). Lo and behold, they had just about everything but that. I was quite disappointed; however we started talking with a couple who reminded me of people who could have been in the cast of Best In Show. They were so nice and friendly, and they had a product they thought could help stop her bad behaviors. It is a small aerosol can that when sprayed makes a noise like a hissing goose. Apparently dogs are instinctually alarmed by this noise, so when they hear it they stop the behavior. Then you reward them. We are suckers and will try anything...and much to our surprise it has worked! While she does still bark and try to get the toys, you need one spray, sometimes you just need to show her the can, and she stops. I highly recommend this item. It is called Pet Corrector.

We found out a couple weeks ago (and can now officially announce it) that Harper is going to get a new cousin in September!  Erich's brother and sister in law are expecting, due on September 19 (International Talk Like a Pirate Day!). We are all very excited, and maybe this will calm my baby fever for a while lol.  It doesn't help that it feels like everyone around me is getting prego or having babies. But, it will have to wait until after a girls trip in May, otherwise I'd never hear the end of it from a good friend who planned the trip.  Also, Erich and I want to try and take a trip in November/December (either for a friend's wedding, if they ever set a date) to DC or Orlando--um, hello Harry Potter World!! Yes, we may actually go!! So, being with child would make those trips a little less fun. 

Today I am taking Harper to get her first haircut, and I am beyond nervous.  I trust the person doing it, but I keep wondering if it's too soon, or if I'll regret it the minute the first baby tendril hits the floor. Her hair just isn't growing in the back, so I'm hoping that age old adage of cutting your hair so it will grow will come into play here. I also need to get rid of her mullet look she's been rocking. :)

We had a playdate with a some friends a couple weeks ago, and Harper had a blast.  She got to play with Stella, who is a week older than her, and Emily, who will be turning 1 this weekend!  Happy Birthday Emily!  These are about the only new pictures I've taken, so enjoy.  I'll be posting some of her haircut, assuming I go through with it. 

Harper & Stella

Emily & Stella

Dance party!

Hiding in the tent

Emily in the ball pit

Playing in the most awesome play kitchen

Emily cooking

The girls

Harper, Uncle Yo Yo and the alligator head

Where'd it go? (This is her big thing lately)


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