I can't believe it's June 1st, and my baby will be a year old next week. She is walking, talking (well, she can say some words, and sounds that could be words), has 6 teeth (still only the canines on top, my little vampire girl) prefers to growl over speak and has an attitude that could only belong to my child. She is pretty much the most awesome kid ever.
We decided that since her birthday is on a Thursday, she should just go to daycare and treat the day as usual. Then we both took Friday off and have plans to go to the Henry Doorly Zoo. It's her first visit, and I honestly can't remember the last time Erich and I were there. Then the next day is her party--see invitation in the below post (I was more than happy to advertise that bad boy, and in return got a $10 giftcard to shutterfly). Just family at the party, she gets pretty crazy when a lot of people are around, and then all she does is cling to me, so hopefully she'll be a little more playful. We got her the most awesome present. It's a swing and slide castle--it stands maybe 2 feet tall, but I'm pretty stoked about the deal I got on it. I'll post pictures after we put it together. Then on Sunday a friend is coming over to take her 1 year photos. It'll be a fun and busy weekend.
Harper goes back to the ENT tomorrow for a follow up appointment, so hopefully all is well, fluid is drained, and talk of tubes are a thing of the past. Fingers crossed! She really hasn't fussed much with her ears, so I am thinking positive thoughts.
My nephew is staying in Lincoln the first few weeks of June, and was nice enough to babysit Harper tonight, so we had a nice date night. We had dinner at Panera, then went and saw The Hangover II. Funny stuff; not as funny as the original (really, would I expect that?) and I would say way more man parts than I needed to see in one sitting, but overall, it was good. Now I just have to wait on HP, which comes out next month! Can't hardly wait! But I am sad to bid adieu to Mr. Potter and his friends. sniff.
My pal Val and I are freaks for the Hunger Games movie casting, and I have, as a co worker phrased it, brought others over to the dark side. I can't help it, these are such good books! I know, the plot sounds depressing (and it is) but it's an addictive depressing. And unlike another popular teen saga, it's no drama, no whining, no teen angst. I'm pretty excited for that movie as well, Lenny Kravitz and Donald Sutherland in the same movie? Like!
What else? I planted my garden this past weekend. I've been putting it off, so a couple weeks ago I weeded the heck out of the area, and then this Sunday when Harper went down for a nap, I went to work. I have 8 tomato plants (4 big, and 4 mini varieties) four cucumber plants (minis for pickling) and then a smattering of bean and carrot seeds, so we'll see what comes of those. It's my second attempt after the great potato fiasco of 2010, which was thwarted by an unfortunate series of events (c-section, broken air conditioner, gall bladder attacks, etc). So, potatoes we're goners. I think I harvested a couple, and the rest rotted or went to the animals. So, here's to better luck this year.
Here are a few outdoor shots I took of Harper this past weekend. She loves to go outside, whether on walks or playing in the backyard. I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up and deal with my hatred of being outside in the summer heat.
Yes, soooo exited about The Hunger Games, and as far as HP, I couldn't agree more - pumped to see the final movie, but sad it's going to be over. Thank goodness for ABC Family Harry Potter Marathons!
Good luck on the garden...you're a better woman than I!