I can't believe Harper is only 11 weeks old; it feels like she should be so much older! Especially since she's starting to move and "talk" more. She reaches for toys and can activate their sounds, she jib jabs when she's in good moods, she smiles when we smile, laughs when we laugh, and can mimic sticking her tongue, which is my personal fave. I just love this happy littlle person she's becoming! Still keeping busy at work, and am loving my second job at the cupcake shop. Slowly learning new things, otherwise having a good time chatting with Amanda and helping customers...and purposely giving them wrong information, ha ha Braggs! I have never been a coffee drinker, I just don't like the taste...since going back to work I have found that my morning breakfast tea just doesn't do the trick, and am dragging around half asleep all day. So someone suggested a Starbucks frappuccino, since it's not overly "coffee" tasting. And now I...