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Harper Jay Kant has arrived!

The wait is over! On June 9th, at 5:40 pm, Harper Jay Kant entered the world, weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long! I am so happy to have her in my arms, as is Erich. During the pregnancy, I made the comment on multiple occasions that I bed I'd pay for it during labor, and boy did I...and so the story goes:

I began having contractions around noon, but nothing that was progressive or in any order, so we decided to just keep our plan to go in at 7:30 to be induced. I was admitted around 8, and the "ripening" agent was started. I was checked around 12 and had progressed enough to warrant starting the Pitocin (around 1). Contractions began, but I really couldn't feel much; it was a long night and I was too excited to sleep (especially after the nurse commented that with these contractions I could be pushing by 7 that morning...I knew it was too good to be true) so I spent the evening with the Lost crew from Season 2, and waking Erich every hour or so to unplug me for bathroom trips.

Wednesday morning
The dr came in and broke my water around 8. Then the contractions hit me, and any thoughts I had about natural labor went out the window, onto a speeding train, and into Mexico. Seriously, I'm amazed at women who do this drug free...after about two hours into it (and, technically, almost 24 hours of contractions) I opted for the epidural, and was in heaven. I then had solid long contractions the rest of the day, but alas, no progress. I was still stuck at 4cm when my dr came to check me around 445. We decided a C-Section was the best thing to do at this point, because a. I had been running a fever off and on since Sunday, and 2. when they broke my water there was a lot of meconium (baby poop) in it, so the baby was at risk for respiratory issues. They explained the risks of the C Section, how long it would take, etc. and then found a surgeon who was ready to go right away.

The C Section AKA The Big Show
The anesthesiologist (whose name escapes me but was one of my favorite drs I met--and not because of the pain relief) was awesome--more on him later--came in and numbed me up good. They did some other prep work, we met the surgeon, and let our families know what was up. By the time they wheeled me in, both our parents were already laying in wait--around 5:15 or so. I wasn't nervous about the surgery (despite my severe shaking from the drugs) probably because it all happened so quickly, and really, C Sections happen all the time in this country. I joked around with the staff, told them our baby names, talked about the music playing. Erich then came in and we were ready to roll. The surgery was a breeze, and within what felt like minutes, they told me there was a head of hair, a BIG head, shoulders, and then screams from our baby girl. It's a girl was the most wonderful thing anyone had ever said to me. I remember Erich leaning over me saying, "You have a daughter" and I was just bawling. They brought her over, and we immediately named her Harper Jay. We took our pictures, and everything was going great. And then, the room began to spin.

I turned to Erich and told him I felt like I did after a night of doing vodka shots. We alterted my anasth. friend, who peeked over the sheet covering the surgeon, and I guess his face kind of dropped. And then he shouts, we need blood! Apparently when you contract for as long as I had, your uterus can just quit, which is what happened. The surgeon leaned over the sheet and explained that my uterus wasn't clotting like it should, and if they can't get it fixed quickly, I'd need a hysterectomy. I was in shock; Erich and Harper were taken out of the room so they could work on me, and I felt so scared and alone. I closed my eyes from the spinning, and then started feeling sick. I looked up and the anesth. was standing there--he stayed there the entire time making sure I knew what was happening. Once I was OK, explained they were still working on the uterus. I had another nurse holding my hand (after some tech had like 5 failed attempts at inserting a second iv line, since the first was being used for the multiple blood transfusions.) Let me tell you, blood going in hurts. A lot. About an hour later, my uterus was saved--they essentially reformed it, stitched it together, and closed me up. I can still have future children, although I think I would prefer to adopt. Once in recovery, all I wanted was some water, and my husband and baby.

While all this was happening, and while Erich was in the nursery with Harper, our parents had no idea what to think. They knew something had gone wrong, because I was the only person in surgery, and there were nurses running up and down the halls. Erich couldn't go tell them anything, and the drs didn't have anything to tell yet. I felt so bad afterwards for them; I can't imagine knowing someone you care for is in a serious surgery, and not knowing if they're OK. For Erich I think it was even worse, because all he knew was that it was touch and go for me and my uterus. They did update him once I was stable, and again when the uterus was saved, but in the meantime it was all he could do to concentrate on our new daughter. He got to feed her first, and burp her, and let me tell you, those pictures are my favorite of the entire experience. He was a dad for mere minutes, his wife's life was hanging in limbo, and he was able to be a great dad to her. It still makes my heart melt.

Eventually I made it to recovery, and Erich was able to see me. I was out of it, and just kept telling him I was fine. I think I hadn't realized the severity of the situation, and he was pale as a ghost. It made us both realize how much we needed each other, and while it was a scary experience, it was one I was glad to have with him. This was also the moment it hit me that my daughter was almost two hours old, and I hadn't held her. I was taken to a recovery room, cleaned up, and finally got to hold her around 8:00. Our very patient parents and family members were brought in around 8:30 to see her and me, and everyone was just thankful to have me OK, and Harper out OK. Probably the scariest thing I will every go through--I hope.

So, the rest of the stay was pretty normal--I became a legend to my nurses and the surgeons and drs were shocked at how well I was feeling the days following--I still have incision pain, but otherwise doing good. We came home Saturday night, and are still trying to find our groove. Abbey isn't too sure about this thing, and why she gets special food from my chest. And anytime Harper coos, Abbey mimics it, it's cute. Erich is great with her, and she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger. He changes diapers, gets up with her, and does me tons of favors like bringing me nipple cream and water and helping me to the bathroom. He really is the best husband and father and friend ever.

I'm looking forward to document this little person's life, and will try to be more diligent about posts. I make no promises! Enjoy these pictures in the meantime!


Meghan Gonzales said…
Wow Susie! First congrats! I didn't realize all the crazyiness you went through - I'm glad you are okay and your uterus is cool too :) I hope all is well and we plan to come see baby Harper soon!!!
Unknown said…
My lord! I can't believe what you had to go through! I am so glad you are ok and Harper is happy and healthy! What an ordeal! Can't wait to meet her!

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