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38 weeks and it's HOT out!

I've figured out why I've been so comfortable thus far with the pregnancy; it hasn't been hot! The weather has either been bitter cold, or springy. As the thermometer outside slowly inches to 90 degrees, I huddle closer to my fan...even with the air running I'm a sweaty mess. Maybe it's the extra weight around the middle, maybe the dog who won't leave my side...who knows?!

We aren't making much progress on the baby-front. Baby Kant has definitely dropped, and I am probably 100% effaced at this point. No contractions (and thus no dialation) as far as I can tell, and I am hoping I would be able to tell...Next appointment on Wednesday should tell us more. A coworker has the 25-27 earmarked; Erich is banking on Wednesday to get more time off from work, and my in laws are hoping for Thursday, otherwise they'll be in Oklahoma for a wedding and miss all the fun. I'm fine with anything after 10:30 tonight--just let me find out how they end Lost, and you can do whatever you want Kid!

A couple weeks ago my family and I suffered a great 38-year old cousin Jay passed away due to cardiac arrest caused by a diabetic seizure. Growing up, I really didn't get the chance to get to know him, as he was so much older--me being the baby of the Grandkids, and them living in another state. As I hit my 20s, we found we shared many commonalities: our love of musicals, sarcasm, hot guys, alcohol, dancing at gay bars, etc etc. He was an open and honest person, had a big heart, and and even bigger sense of humor. He had been diagnosed with diabetes years ago, and the seizures had become worse over the past couple years I think. Last January (2009) was the last time we saw him; my sister and I met him in Chicago for a suprise party for his sister. We had one last great hurrah, and also saw the scary side of his diabetes when we experienced two of his seizures. We joked about it, and honestly I'm not sure I'll ever be able to watch Steel Magnolias again...I miss him, but it's hard to mourn someone when you just can't make yourself believe they're gone. I'll drift off sometimes thinking about it, and just can't believe it's real. As we prepare for the birth of this baby, I can't help but hope there is such as thing as reincarnation, or that he'll at least send some of his personality with this baby to us. Depending on what part we get, I may regret saying that...Love you Jay!


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