So, I am seriously bad at keeping up with this, and I get the feeling it won't be much better once little Kant gets here. Le sigh...
I guess not much has really happened since my last post, other than my ever expanding belly! I chopped off all my hair, which is apparently something you're supposed to do post birth. I guess I'm a rebel, but I'd rather know if it's going to be easy to do before I have another person to take care of. Crazy me I guess.

The nursery is up and ready to be operational. We're slowly acclimating Abbey into the room and the toys. She is still pretty obsessed with some of the smaller toys, especially anything that makes a noise or has stuffing. Oh dog whisperer, if only your tips of submission worked! She gets obsessed and it's hard to drag her away. We're getting better though, and I guess we really won't know how she reacts until the time comes.
I'm also getting everything ready at work for my leave. Apparently everyone assumes I'm going into labor early, because they're freaking out for me to get things documented already. Chill people! It's not like I won't be checking email, I'm too anal not to check it, even during maternity leave.
We started childbirth classes a couple weeks ago, and the final class is next Monday. It's a group of 6 couples, and I think we're evenly paired. There's a couple who are "older" and a little more mature; there's a couple who are quiet; then there's us and another couple whose husbands are 15 and like to giggle throughout the class. For example, I'm pretty sure they both tested out the birth vaccum on their arms and legs just to see the hickey mark it would leave. And I've been very curious about the birth video; all you ever hear is how horrible they are and blah blah blah. I have seen worse things on TV than I saw in this class. It wasn't pretty by any means, but it was about 5 seconds of a crowning then birth. Rather anticlimatic. Erich was grossed out, so maybe I'm just desensitized from my obsession with TLC and Discovery Health.
I have my first official baby shower this weekend (Erich's mom threw an impromptu surprise shower over Easter, which totally surprised me). My friends are throwing it in Papillion, and I'm excited to see everyone. I have another one on May 15th, and am hoping I can last that long. Eh, then I guess we have a shower post baby, worse things could happen I suppose!
I guess this is good for now, as I am falling asleep trying to thing of what else to say, and getting kicked in the babymaker. Good times...