Yum! I enjoyed it with some friends at a dinner party in Omaha. Yummy foods and drinks and a rousing game of Apples to Apples. It was zanny! Woke up bright and early to come back to Lincoln to clean house in preparation for my niece's 10th birthday party. It was hard to stay chipper with the on and off rain, but somehow it cleared up in time. We played pin the kiss on the Jonas Brother, broke a pinata and ate delicious cupcakes made by my pal Amanda. Seriously, if you have an event you need delicious treats for, check her out.
The rest of this week was spent partially at work and with family-my sister, my cousin and their kids were in town, so we had fun catching up. It was a long work week though, and am glad to see the weekend is practically here. I have plans to finally catch up on True Blood, finish Good Omens by Neil Gaiman, and visit with some friends in town. Good times!