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July, Harry Potter and some randoms

It's hard to believe that this time last year I was checking RSVPs and worrying about spray tans and if my sister's bridesmaid dress would ever arrive?! We've had a very good first year of marriage, if I say so myself. I credit the fact that we lived together first, which really opened my eyes to how messy and gross boys can be :) Luckily, I'm not much better, so we get along great. We're planning a little mini trip to Omaha for our actual anniversary--friends, drinking, the zoo, some good food. Then we're going to Vegas this fall; I've never been so I'm really looking forward to that trip.

Back in January or February, it seemed like July would never get here. So many things going on, mainly I was excited because the latest Harry Potter movie was pushed from November 08 to July 09. I saw this movie today, and...

It left Erich and I feeling underwhelmed. I wanted to cry at the end; not just because Dumbledore died (which was sad) but because the ending was miserable. No big fight! Just the death eaters running off towards Hagrid's hut, set it on fire, then got away. There was some talking between Snape and Harry (enough for Snape to say he's the Half-Blood Prince) and then cut to the typical scene of the three characters reflecting on the past year and what's to come. WTF?! They left so many things out of this book, which is always my complaint, but this time you f-ed up. No Bill and Fleur; Tonks and Lupin are already a couple (which leads me to believe it will be their wedding that holds up the gang before they go a horcrux hunting); it was full of teenage angst, and the gal playing Lavender was pretty good, but still. The pensieve scenes were lacking, you only see two memories, but as Erich says, where the ring comes from doesn't play a part in the next movie, but still, I wanted to see the family Gaunt! As you can tell, I am still irritated. Going to the movie we were so excited, talking about how we'd probably end up seeing it three times. I will go see it once more with my mom, and that is that. Of course, I'm sure if you never read the book, it was great, but from a HP book fan, this was not great. I would rank this as one of my least favorite movies.

OK, enough of that! We've had a good month so far; we had a nice 4th, played wiffle ball and blew up a ham, then enjoyed our neighborhood's semi professional show. Abbey hates fireworks, and they went on until almost midnight. Last weekend we were in Gretna on Friday for a 30th bday party; got to see some of Erich's college friends and drink. Then Saturday back to Omaha for the OFest, a music and food and drinking extravaganza. We got to visit with friends and drink beers, and I almost got Erich to try sushi! Also, if you ever get the change to try a Bloody Mary Martini, take a pass. It was like spaghetti sauce with pepper. Ugh...

This weekend we were supposed to go see Barenaked Ladies at Rib Fest, but we'll be out of town the following weekend, and so we figured Abbey might enjoy us being home a weekend or two. She's not spoiled! So, I figure we'll catch the Farmers Market and be homebodies. Sounds like a good plan to me!


Meghan Gonzales said…
yes - I agree - I wanted the big fight scene and it kind of bugged me that in the book - Harry couldn't do anything and in the movie - technically he could have - oh well - bring on the last movie! Are they still making it into two?

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