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Showing posts from June, 2015

Booker's First Birthday

While he didn't get to go to Disneyworld with us, he did get a pretty high flyin' party.  I may have gone a leeetle overboard with the party.  But hey, you only turn once right, and he may be my last :( Our theme was, Time Flies, and we used my Uncle's vintage toy plane for the invites.  Pretty cute kiddo.  It was also pre haircut, so he still looked like a baby. Of course I can't find that picture, so here is this one.  He's still cute.   Just a small party with family, and he had a great time.  He has already changed so much since this day.  He was just starting to make words and now can say Mama, Dada, Harper, Abs, Dude, and a lot of signs.  He also loves to dance, and is seriously the most cuddly sweet boy you will meet.  We love our little Bubba! 


 We went to Disneyworld at the beginning of the year and had so much fun!  One of the best decisions we ever made, especially with Harper.  She was a great age to really soak everything in and be in awe of the parks.  Except Harry Potter World, which we decided was really more of an Erich/Susie/Couples trip.  Any takers?  I could try and detail out the trip, but I think the pictures do a much better job.