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Showing posts from 2013


It's so hard to believe that Christmas is seriously 5 days away.  Where did this year go?  Can't say that I'm ready for the big day, but luckily it's only a couple people and I can get it done this weekend, and I don't really need to go shopping to finish...yay for homemade gifts, right?  Erich and I kind of just bought ourselves the things we wanted...for him, a new mandolin.  For me, a new camera.  For us, a new printer.  Then our dishwasher broke last weekend, so add that to the list.  Ahh, the joys of home ownership!! We spent Thanksgiving with my sister and her family in Missouri, and that was a lot of fun.  Got some good pictures of her with her cousins, and a lot of her with their cat.  They loved each other...Erich was not a fan.  I think Harper's favorite part of the trip was playing dress up with Miss Kitty.  And visiting Santa! We made our kids wear ugly sweaters to go visit him before we left; it turned out pretty go...


So, wow.  It's been a while since I last posted...this pregnancy has really run me down, between work, Harper, busy weekends and everything else in between, I have just been exhausted.  Add to that I've had issues with blogger and getting photos uploaded, I've had no interest in this thing.  But, feeling better, blogger is working, so here we go! My second trimester is flying by!  We did find out the sex, (Harper thought the ultrasound was pretty weird) however we're keeping it quiet out here on the interwebs.  If you really want to know, you can ask me via  a variety of media outlets :)  We're all excited to welcome Baby K in February, and honestly, it will be here before we know it.  Luckily we're not doing a ton to the nursery, and really I just need to wash a ton of clothes before the kiddo arrives.  I'd also like to get Harper's baby book and scrapbooks done before then, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that!  We've had a ...