While I always complain about the snow, there's just something to be said about a nice white Christmas. A light dusting Christmas morning would be nice. Then again, I'm not going to complain if it's 50 degrees like it is right now. It's the first day of Winter, right? Christmas shopping is nearly finished, wrapping is about 85% done and I need to do some baking to get that out of my system: some sugar cookies, gingerbread men, turtle candies, peanut butter balls and peanut butter sammys, just to name a few. I also got a new candy mold in the shape of mustaches that I used to make soap for gifts, but I can't wait to see how it looks with chocolate...don't worry, I've washed it several times! And the soap turned out awesome too! I also realized I way overspent on Harper. Like, I found a bag of toys I forgot about bad. So now we need to figure out what to give her now, and what to hold on to for her birthday. Or maybe just spoil her, she won't remem...