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Showing posts from May, 2010

38 weeks and it's HOT out!

I've figured out why I've been so comfortable thus far with the pregnancy; it hasn't been hot! The weather has either been bitter cold, or springy. As the thermometer outside slowly inches to 90 degrees, I huddle closer to my fan...even with the air running I'm a sweaty mess. Maybe it's the extra weight around the middle, maybe the dog who won't leave my side...who knows?! We aren't making much progress on the baby-front. Baby Kant has definitely dropped, and I am probably 100% effaced at this point. No contractions (and thus no dialation) as far as I can tell, and I am hoping I would be able to tell...Next appointment on Wednesday should tell us more. A coworker has the 25-27 earmarked; Erich is banking on Wednesday to get more time off from work, and my in laws are hoping for Thursday, otherwise they'll be in Oklahoma for a wedding and miss all the fun. I'm fine with anything after 10:30 tonight--just let me find out how they end Lost, and ...

So long, old pal...

I am Lost junkie, I really don't know what I'm going to do after the end of this month when it ends. I guess there is that whole baby thing going on to keep me distracted...and a new season of True Blood comes out this summer... le sigh. Last night, we bid farewell to our first original Losties who came to their demise by the Smoke Monster AKA Man in Black who I affectionately call, Not Locke. Sayid, Sun and Jin. Sayid was already a zombie, so I kind of figured his time was coming soon--although last night he seemed very normal, so maybe he was channeling normal Sayid before making his sacrifice to the group. Now the Kwans, come on! They were just reunited! Jin was going to meet his daughter! But no, water city. Erich did point out that they will be together in the alternate Lost world, but still. Sad pandas. There is one character I want them to get rid of, and I get the feeling it's not going to happen...Kate. I despise her, she is as annoying on this show as she...

Prego Brain!

I've got a case of the Prego Brain, and I've got it bad. The only cure for it is more...chocolate? That's how I felt this weekend. All last week I felt out of it, and it didn't get better. That probably doesn't bode well for the rest of this pregnancy. I have problems remembering words, appointments, trains of thought...and I did that before so now it's like times 10! This weekend my mom and I went to the Farmers Market, something I have been looking forward to since it ended last Fall. I always move some items from my purse to a larger bag, then carry that around with my keys, wallet, etc. For some reason I decided to throw the larger bag into my trunk, and slam the door...all before my mom had time to ask what the heck I was doing. So bummed! She had limited cash on her, and her purse and etc was in the trunk as well. Luckily I had my cell and a change purse in my hand, so Erich came to my rescue. We're going to try again next Saturday, as I wa...