There's really nothing like a slow day at work on a Friday...especially when your workfriend leaves at 12:45. Now I just look forward to 4 for my walk around our track, and then 5 when I get to leave. We have big plans for tonight, going to dinner at Panera, then on to Best Buy to check out TVs, which we totally need right away. I also want to look for an MP3 player, as I may very well be the last person on earth to own one. I take that back, I had one and Erich stole it because his broke. I've been promised one for Christmas, so I want to start window shopping. We got the final word from the FHA, and the house is a done deal (short of a few signatures and our souls being sold to the bank). It's very exciting to buy a house, especially one that needs so little work. We're very excited to get in there and make it our own. Erich even bought one of those dumb infuser things--it does have a cool container I may reuse though. We've scoped out the local (and not so local)...