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Showing posts from March, 2011


That was the shortest weekend ever.  I tried blogging last night and had a huge post, then I accidentally deleted it, and in restrospect decided it was for the better.  Did you need to hear all the details about me being sick, and in turn getting my sister and her family sick, probably not?  Look, just did it in one sentence, yay me.  Had a nice visit with them prior to the sickness at least :)  Other than that, pretty laid back weekend.  Saturday we watched basketball and napped, can't complain about that.  Sunday I rocked the cupcake shop and then tackled Walmart on a least favorite day to go.  Le sigh. I got a new phone a couple weeks ago, so this week's pictures are courtesy of that.  I think it takes better pictures than our regular camera; if only I could figure out how to zoom :)

The Much Anticipated Vegas Post!

Sorry it has taken such a long time to post something on the trip...or in general.  None of us are taking this whole time change thing well, so since I have tomorrow off I figured I can stay up a little later than usual and get this thing knocked out!  Vegas was fun, and I am really glad that I made myself go on the trip, I definitely would have regretted not going.  I'll share the highlights and some pictures, and leave it at that.  After all, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.  I hate that slogan... Friday we arrived in Vegas around 1:30, a few hours before the 15 or so other gals.  Since we couldn't check in, we immediately began to soak in Vegas with a little sight seeing, and some drinks.  Well, drink.  Me and a friend of mine don't travel well, and we hit some bumps along the way, so suffice it to say we weren't on the drinking train just yet...but we couldn't pass up 2 for 1 margaritas!  Winning! (Although I'm sure it got old, ...