I've been working from home yesterday and today, and I am missing human interraction. Yesterday it was to test our disaster recovery system (basically make sure tripling our remote users wouldn't cause problems with the system). I got a call around 2:30 to pick Harper up as she was running a fever. Got her home, gave her sometylenol, and she was fine. Temp went down. Then she slept like crap last night, up ever hour or so, and woke up with a slight fever again. At first I chalked it up to teething, but daycare sent home information about RSV, so now I'm worried about that. Erich is with her this morning while I work until noon, then we'll switch. So far she just seems cranky and tired, but no coughing and lower fever, so that's a good sign. We got hit with about 5 inches of snow yesterday :( I was really hoping this weather was over. Maybe this will be the last snow! A girl can dream...or go to Vegas in a week, I guess ...