Harper had her 4 month dr appointment today, and is doing great...even a little above average as far as her behavioral items go. She was 14 lbs, 24 inches long, (the 75th and 50th percentiles, if you care about that jazz). She has great eye control, can grab for and hold toys, and rolls over like it's nothing...she also does something we didn't notice until the dr pointed it out...she's trying to get on her knees when on her belly...the dr predicts that while most kids don't walk until 12-15 months, our babe will be walking by 9 months...scary! Let the babyproofing begin! I also must comment on how well she did with the shots--she received 4 of them, two at a time in each leg, and while she did cry at the initial shots, she calmed down almost immediately upon being picked up. She even hung in there for a trip to Best Buy and TJ Maxx! She's definitely our kid. We've had considerably nice weather for October, too bad we've yet to really take advantage o...