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Showing posts from January, 2009

Where did January go?

Here's Abbey maxing and relaxing in her winter sweater. It's a shock that she wasn't eating it. Seriously, it's almost February people! Work has been hectic, so maybe that's why it felt like it sped by. Not that I'm complaining, I'm ready for this winter weather to hit the road. I have Wednesday afternoons off, and usually I have somewhere to go; today I am to home waiting for the refigerator repair guy. I tried to clean my bathrooms and the nozzle came off the bleach based cleaner and totally soaked/ruined my pants. Score one for the dirty bathrooms. Now my house is clean, but it smells like the local swimming pool locker room. Yum. Baby fever is upon us again; this time last year almost all of Erich's college friends were expecting (well, their wives were). Now it's a new year and a new group of babies are due. Does this give me baby fever? Yes, of course it does. If it were up to me, we'd be expecting right along with them. But there's th...

Back from break...

Apparently I decided to take a month off; we haven't been overly busy, but our time at home has been spent either painting, cleaning or watching our dvrd shows :) I'll give a recap of what's gone on since November... Christmas came way too fast. I spent the days leading up to it cleaning and baking, both things totally out of my nature. I made my first ever homemade sugar cookies, and they were awesome. I also made some sweet gingerbread peeps, there are some photos posted below. We also had our first long-term house guests--my sister and her three kids, well four if you count their lab--stayed here for about a week. It was nice to get to spend the time with them, since we never see them as they live in KC. Yay for visitors. Boo for dogs who pee on the floor (ours included). We also had another humping incident, although this time it involved Abbey (our miniature dachshund) humping Brady (my sister's lab). Our dog was horny over Christmas, and it was funny. We celebrate...